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Dog Hiking Adventure With A View

Top 10 Adventurous Activities To Do With Your Dog

They say dogs are often like their owners. After enough time, one of them invariably turns into the other! If you’re an all-out adventurer, the chances are, you’ll raise your pup to be one too. For a great segue into health...
Dog Walking

8 Questions to Ask A Dog Walker Before Hiring

If you’re thinking about hiring a dog walker, time to stop and think. Don’t go for the first person on the advertising board, do a little research and ask the right questions. Being a dog owner is one of the best...
Home Dog Grooming

How To Groom Your Dog At Home

In an ideal world, we would all send our dogs to a dog spa every 6 weeks. If that’s not on the cards, don’t worry: there’s plenty of ways to meet your dogs needs at home without all the fuss,...

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Improve Dog Fitness

How To Build Your Dog’s Fitness Levels

Whether yours is an Olympic athlete or a shy couch-dweller, try our top tips to on how to get your dog fit. We all love to think of our dog as a boundless ball of energy who will follow us wherever...
Dog First Aid

5 Dog First Aid Kit Essentials

It may not cross your mind to have a dog first aid kit in the house, but you almost certainly should. There’s no doggy paramedics or ambulances - their first point of emergency and contact before getting to the Vet...
CBD Oil For Dogs

CBD Oil for Dogs: The Pros and Cons

If you are considering getting CBD oil for your dog, it’s time to read up and demystify this treatment as we look at the good, the bad, and the ugly side of pooch friendly CBD oil. When it comes to dog...
Checklist For Dog Insurance

What To Know When You First Buy Dog Insurance

It’s one of the most controversial issues when it comes to pet ownership. Should I buy dog insurance? Generally, you have to accept that with dog ownership comes responsibility, and one of those is how to pay for the Vets...
Toxic Dog Foods Chocolate & Citrus

Toxic Dog Food In Your Home Right Now

We take a look at some of the most harmful dog food around your home, the ones to avoid and the ones to get to the Vets as soon as possible. Owning a dog can be similar to looking after young...