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Dog Clicker Training

How to Clicker Train Dogs In 5 Easy Steps

Reward-Based clicker training is a quick and easy way to teach your dog not just tricks, but positive behaviours that will help keep your pooch safe when out and about on adventures.
Black Labrador Playing Indoor Dog Games

The Top 5 Games To Play With Dogs When You’re Bored

Rainy days. Injured owners. Stubborn pets. For whatever reason, you may find yourself confined to the indoors with your beloved four-legged friend, you can always find a few fun games to play with dogs that'll make you and them a...
Indoor Dog Toys

The Best Indoor Exercises For Dogs

Taking on a dog is one heck of a commitment – not just to giving a dependant your love and attention every day, but to taking regular walks. For whatever reason (usually the wonderfully unpredictable weather or simply changing circumstance), sometimes...
Popular Dog Breeds

What Are The Best Dog Breeds For First Time Owners?

Are you thinking about taking the leap? Here’s a small list to get you started. While it may sound strange to some animal lovers, many of us have never grown up with a pet in our lives. So of course, there’s...

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Teaching Dog To Jump

The 5 Most Useful Tricks To Train Your Dog Or Puppy

If you are looking at training your dog or puppy the most useful tricks, you’ve come to the right place. Here’s the dog tricks that will help keep your dog loyal and safe. They say you can’t teach an old dog...
Old Dog Balancing Ball

Is It Too Late To Teach My Dog Tricks?

When is the optimum time to teach your dog? If you rescue a dog will you ever get them to behave? Is it easier to train puppies or older dogs? So many questions, so little time... The burning question when...
Dog Traveliing In Car

How To Travel In The Car Safely With Your Dog

If you are wondering what the best way to travel with your dog in your car might be, we take a look at all the options available and any legal restrictions you need to know. We’ve all seen the clips of...
Dogs Sleeping In A Bed

7 Questions To Ask Yourself Before Buying A Dog Bed

If you are considering buying your dog a bed, you've got a whole load to think about – namely type, size and the personality of your dog. But even after you've figured out your dogs sleeping behaviour, measured him, found the...
Dog In a Bed

How To Pick The Best Beds For Your Dog

If you are reading this, you've either decided to move from a dog crate to a bed, or are avoiding dog crate training your puppy or dog and want a safe comfortable dog bed for your fur baby. This isn't going...
Anxious Dog

How To Deal With Separation Anxiety In Your Dog

They call them man’s best friend for a reason. With an in-built pack mentality, dogs are innately loyal to their owners, and behave this way not just for love and affection, but as a survival instinct. It’s for this reason that...
Puppies & Dogs Socialising

8 Friendly Tips On How To Socialise A Dog

Whether you’ve got a new puppy or your usually calm dog has started to get nervous, we’ve got 8 tips to help your dog socialise with other dogs and with humans. They say a dog is man’s best friend – but...